Gosip Artis Indonesia DetikSolo.Com

Gosip Artis Indonesia DetikSolo.Com

Samsung GALAXY Note SGH-i717 Official Android OS Versions Updates

Posted: 22 May 2013 12:24 AM PDT

Samsung GALAXY Note SGH-i717 features a huge 5.3" display looks more like a small tablet than a handset. But, it's truly a handset. The Galaxy Note is powered by 1.5GHz dual-core (Qualcomm). It runs Android Gingerbread 2.3 OS. With its Gingerbread, the Samsung GALAXY Note performance is very good. But, most users expect they can [...]

Samsung GALAXY Note SGH-i717 TouchWiz User Interface

Posted: 21 May 2013 12:34 PM PDT

Samsung GALAXY Note SGH-i717 runs Android 2.3 Gingrebread with TouchWiz user interface. Touchwiz is the latest evolution of Samsung’s custom user experience for Android. Let's know more about the TouchWiz User Interface There are many things you can do with TouchWiz, include pull down the notifications menu to access system settings; pinch the screen to [...]